SPOT Rehab staff complete trainings, expand SPOT service
Katie Melotky, Physical Therapist at SPOT Rehabilitation and Home Health Care, achieved the designation of an American Physical Therapy Association Board Certified Neurologic Clinic Specialist. Kirsten Becker, DPT, completed the Manual Lymph Drainage and Complete Decongestive Therapy training, designating her a Certified Lymphedema Therapist.

RSVP promotes and hires
AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP, formerly known as the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), promoted Jennifer Wucherer to Program Director and hired Tauna Quimby as Program Coordinator.

Rasmussen College completes transition to university
Rasmussen College has completed its transition to Rasmussen University.  

Catholic Charities welcomes four new board members
Catholic Charities has announced the addition of four new board members:

Runyon joins Granite Financial
Granite Financial recently hired Emily Runyon as Planner Support Specialist.  

Stearns Bank positions to expand
Stearns Bank added three seasoned executives to explore new opportunities. Al Doering was hired as Chief M&A Officer, a newly create executive level role. Rebecca Kronlund joined as General Counsel and Brian McCarthy joined as Chief Credit Officer.