Sponsorship levels of all kinds are available for the Business Showcase. Gain valuable exposure to attendees before, during, and after the event with a sponsorship. If you’re signing up for a booth, consider making an even bigger impact with a sponsorship!
Become an event sponsor and get the following:
Champion sponsorship- $1500
- Booth- Premier location
- Logo on all marketing materials
- Facebook video prior to event
- Social Media mentions
- Logo on event signage
- Cash bar drink tickets
Advocate Level- $1000
- Booth- row end location
- Logo on all marketing materials
- Social Media mentions
- Logo on event signage
- Cash bar drink tickets
Partner Level- $750
- Booth
- Logo on all marketing materials
- Tagged social media post
- Logo on event signage
Specialty Level- $500
- Logo on specialty signage at event
- Name on marketing materials
- Tagged social media post
- Name on event signage